Creative thinking and innovation skills of individuals and teams are at the heart of any corporate innovation program.
According to a recent report by the World Economic Forum, creativity and problem solving top the list of the most required skills for 2020.
But how to measure these skills and boost them in an engaging way in real time remained illusive, at least up till now.
Beams app is taking this challenge heads on based on neurocognitive research.
How it Works?
First, a test is introduced to measure the baseline using the following reliable tests: AU- Alternate Uses (Guilford, 1978), CD- Complete Drawing (Torrance, 1974), RAT- Remote Associates Test (Mednick, 1962), insight, and observation.
The results are shown in a real-time.
Afterwards, fun games and quizzes are introduced aiming at boosting creative thinking and innovation skills.
We offer the corporation a web-based control panel to track the results of their employees.
We are in talks with leading corporations to run pilots with their employees.
If you are interested, please contact us at: [email protected].